OK I admit it – I have used a $50 bottle of wine in spagetti sauce. And my husband almost killed me. I couldn’t find the wine I was looking for – did we drink it? Maybe gave it as a gift? Hmmm – by the time we found that bottle it was past its prime…
While I am thrilled to have a wine cellar with a couple of hundred bottles of wine – it really is a chore to keep track of what to drink when and to remember when a wine is for “special occassions”. That is why I was so excited to discover CellarTracker.
This is an online wine management software system. I was a bit skeptical when I started, just putting in a couple of dozen of our labels to see how it worked. It didn’t take long for me to see what a terrific tool this can be and I entered our entire cellar. I was even motivated enough to label all my bins so each bottle now has its own home.
I think my favorite component of this software is the “Drinkability Report”. There are several ways that you can sort your wine, but the Drinkability Report tells you which bottle JUST HAVE TO BE DRUNK right away. It is a great tool.
There are some other handy features. One is tasting notes that other users have entered. Another is bottles that you have recently purchased and recently consumed appearing on your home page.
Most of the site is shareware and you can make a donation to the developer, who happens to be from Seattle, if you find it to be a useful for yourself.